Thursday, March 27, 2008

This has been an interesting week. I have read the terms tag cloud, and even seen them, but as with the rest of this program - the explanations finally made sense! I can see a real practical application for within the library. Just about every staff member has their favourite searches and sites bookmarked...on their own machine. It would be good to have these in one place. I am sure it would prevent that muttered curse "I've searched for this before, now where was that?"
I probably sound like a real librarian when I mention this, but we do have a tendency to use our own jargon, catalogue subject headings are a case in point. A term may be 'catalogically' correct, but our borrowers use real-speak. Tag clouds use real-speak. Am I speaking revolution to suggest that one day folksonomics will find its way onto the library catalogue? :)

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

I love your 'mission statement' - that everyone coming in will find something to interest them. Lots of the things you will discover and play with in Learning 2.0 are designed to do just that.

Keep on having fun.
